Monday, December 11, 2006

Refilling ink cartridges

I guess, I still haven't gotten the knack of refilling colour ink cartridges. I was careful not to inject too much ink and I also let the cartridge stand for a while before inserting it back into the printer. However, I think I didn't insert the needle deep enough when I was injecting the magenta and cyan into the cartridge. As a result, my printer now prints black, yellow and purple. Sigh...

I found a website where one can download videos of how to refill ink cartridges. Very informative and useful.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Usually when I plug in a usb drive, it will be allocated a slot at /dev/sda* (* denotes number 1, 2, 3 and so on). However if there were 2 usb drives or more, the drives will be allocated slots (nodes or slots? I don't know the correct terminology.) at /dev/sd* where * denotes the alphabet a, b, c and so on. This is troublesome as I mount my devices manually using the rules at /etc/fstab and it is a bother changing the rules everything to suite the alphabet sd*. Therefore now I use udev to customise the naming of device nodes. This was done by following instructions at the Gentoo Wiki.

1. My udev rules are kept in the file /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules

2. Examples of rules in the file are: 

BUS=="usb", SYSFS{serial}=="00000000000000000182", KERNEL=="sd?1", NAME="%k", SYMLINK="pdrive"
BUS=="usb", SYSFS{serial}=="000000899406", KERNEL=="sd?2", NAME="%k", SYMLINK="ipod" 

3. The serial number in SYSFS{serial} is obtain as follows:

a. udevadm -a -p /sys/path/to/hardware/info - which for my pendrive and ipod is actually /dev/sda. Therefore:

i. $ udevadm -q path -n /dev/sda
That will result in /block/sda
ii. $ udevadm -a -p /sys/block/sda

b. (i) and (ii) can be combined : udevadm -a -p 'udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sda' 

4. My rules used to read 

BUS="usb", SYSFS{serial}="00000000000000000182", KERNEL="sd?1", NAME="%k", SYMLINK="pdrive" 

Note the single equal sign. That used to work until udev was upgraded to udev-103. After that the double equal signs have to be used or else the udev rules will not load with errors of 'invalid rules' and 'subsystem' not found (something like that).

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ubuntu - Gripes

1. I can't bloody see anything during bootup. Just the Ubuntu word and a progress bar.
- to rectify by editing /boot/grub/menu.lst and removing the words 'quiet' and 'splash'

2. A whole load of modules and processes which are not needed.

3. Slightly messed up xorg.conf; the wacom and the font thing

4. Gnome login problems

5. Gnome login problems

6. Gnome login problems

7. Gnome login problems

8. ...

9. ...

10. ...

Ubuntu - Installation

I installed Ubuntu 6.10 on the old computer yesterday. Pentium III 667Mhz, 128 RAM with a 3dfx Voodoo graphic card and Soundblaster-I-forgot-the-model sound card. Dual-boot with Windows by the way. I encountered the paradise of problems - GDM, gnome and X server. I did this, did that, got nowhere, created new problems and the list goes on. So I reinstalled Ubuntu again today. And here goes the log:

1. No problems during installation. I had to use the text-mode installation method using the alternate-iso-cd because the other live-desktop-whatever-it-is-called-i386 iso needs 192 MB RAM.

2. Rebooted after installation. Arrived at login screen of gdm. Entered username and password. Gnome started. Halfway-through the startup, the login screen appeared again. Entered username and password. Gnome started, this time without a problem. But why do THREE Nautilus windows have to be started??

3. Update package manager popped up a screen with 2 new updates; imagemagick (I think) and something else. Updates completed without problem.

4. Checked .xsession-errors. Had to edit xorg.conf to:
a. remove all entries which had anything to do with wacom, stylus, cursor and can't-remember (something to do with tablet pc)
b. edit the Font paths in which 'X11' and 'fonts' were in reversed position

5. Checked all the other log files: Xorg.0.log, dmesg, faillog, ... no apparent errors.

6. Ran gdmsetup. Made sure 'Accessible login' was not enabled. Read somewhere that enabling this can cause some kind of errors.

7. Edited startup programs. Later saw some error messages which said that the autostart file cannot be edited. Have to check to see if ~/.config/autostart is under root.

8. Rebooted again. Say hello to 'PROBLEMS'.

7. Login screen keeps on appearing after I have entered username and password for Gnome Session.

8. Nautilus and nothing else pop up after logging into Gnome Failsave. Couldn't even find a way to bring up a terminal. I think I got an error message about Gnome Settings Daemon and dbus.

9. Login into Terminal Failsave successful but there was no detectable error messages.

10. Decided to call it a night.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

List of Installed Packages

$ equery list

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Cannot access websites

Today I cannot access websites like google, yahoo and lycos with firefox. However when I ping, there is 0% packet loss. I did notice though that the website being pinged is (notice the extra 'l'?) So I entered this web address in firefox, and I can access google again. Strange, isn't it? The same with yahoo. Address entered is, but address being pinged is And again, I can use yahoo by entering the second address in firefox.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Eject works only with root

Had a strange problem. Couldn't eject my Ipod. Got this error:

$ eject /mnt/ipod
$ eject: unable to open `/dev/ipod'

The same thing happened with my usb flash drive. I know, some people say that we don't have to eject a flash drive; umount will do. But ejecting a flash drive makes the LED light switch off. I like seeing that... hehe

Anyway, this has never happened before and I don't know why I suddenly cannot eject as a normal user. With root, I get this message:

$ eject -v /mnt/ipod
eject: device name is `/mnt/ipod'
eject: expanded name is `/mnt/ipod'
eject: `/mnt/ipod' is not mounted
eject: `/dev/ipod' can be mounted at `/mnt/ipod'
eject: `/dev/ipod' is not a multipartition device
eject: trying to eject `/dev/ipod' using CD-ROM eject command
eject: CD-ROM eject command failed
eject: trying to eject `/dev/ipod' using SCSI commands
eject: SCSI eject succeeded

I solved the problem temporarily by doing chmod +s /usr/bin/eject

I read this in this bug website:

That's an eject bug because it opens for read-only.

From "strace eject -s /dev/sdb1":
open("/dev/sdb1", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK) = 3

EDIT: I searched through my old posts, and found the post titled 'Ipod Works Under Gentoo' where I have already encountered this problem with eject! Why do I even note down these things if I'm not going to look through them first?!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Another day ...

This blog is not meant for this., maybe I'll delete this post some day... but I just have to let it out: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Yet another discouraging and disappointing day. *&#@!! Puh-leasee remind me again why I chose to do this and why the heck am I still doing it?! Yargh!

I think I'll go and have a haircut. Nah, I'm not shaving the head bald, have a punk haircut or anything like that. I'm not that traumatised ... yet. Will just have the fringes and the back part trimmed slightly. Not at all adventurous ... Maybe if someone were to pop out of a bank and hand me a wad of cash, I might have my hair dyed. Hmmm... then again, I think I'll probably take the cash and buy either another set of graphic novels or another ipod! 'Hair' is not on top of my priority list at all!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Kernel compile and kernel sources

I didn't know that everytime the package gentoo-sources is updated, the symlink of /usr/src/linux still points to the first original sources, from which the kernel was compiled. Therefore, although I compile a new kernel everytime there is an updated version of the source, it is actually not compiled using the updated version but rather the old version. I found this out while trying to compile the new ATI-drivers and found that there were errors because they were using the old kernel source. Am I making any sense? Ah well, as long as I know what I'm saying... Anyway, I got this from the Gentoo Linux Documentation regarding kernel upgrade:

Three ways in order to make the /usr/src/linux symbolic link point to the sources of the kernel you are running.

1. Portage can update the symlink automatically when you emerge new kernel sources. All you have to do is add the symlink flag to the USE variable in /etc/make.conf

(Add the symlink keyword)
USE="symlink x86 3dnow 3dnowex X aac aalib adns alsa apache2"

2. Use app-admin/eselect to modify the symlink.

Install eselect if you don't have it)
#emerge eselect
(See the list of available kernels)
#eselect kernel list
Available kernel symlink targets:
[1] linux-2.6.9-gentoo-r1
[2] linux-2.6.9-gentoo-r2
(Select the correct kernel)
#eselect kernel set 1

3. Manually update the symlink
# cd /usr/src
# ln -sfn linux-latest-version linux

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Firefox and Mouse 2

Another thing I noticed about Firefox: Scrolling up and down a page very quickly with the mouse wheel will trigger the command 'Go Back' and 'Go Forward' respectively.

After reading some websites, I've found out that this is not a Firefox bug (therefore the title of this post is actually not justified) but rather a problem with xorg or something like that. Apparently this will occur in all applications with a horizontal scroll bar.

To prevent this from occuring in Firefox alone:

set mousewheel.horizscroll.withnokey.action to 0 in about:config

Or edit the xorg.conf:
For my case, I edited this line:

Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"


Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

## Note the absence of 6 and 7. Why they were there in the first place, I don't know. I only have one mouse wheel. At least, I think that 6 and 7 represent the second wheel (for horizontal scrolling?)

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Firefox and Mouse

Well, I'll be! I can be so dense sometimes. I've just discovered some enlightening stuff about my mouse. I've been using a Microsoft mouse for more than a year now and only today(!) I've noticed that the scroll wheel can actually be depressed and it can act as a middle mouse button! (My current mouse setting is '3 Button Emulate' or something like that.) No wonder sometimes other webpages load when I'm scrolling through a page. That was reeeeeeeally annoying! The discoveries that I've made:

1. Scroll wheel can act as 3rd button. If it is pressed, firefox will search for the term currently in the clipboard and display a page based on that. To prevent that from happening, go to 'about:config' and change the value for 'middlemouse.loadContentURL' to false. I'm so glad I've finally solved this mystery!

2. Recently, ever since I've installed Firefox, I've been having trouble with copy and paste. Everytime I try to paste some text using the 'middle button' (pressing left and right buttons together), this little weird sphere would appear with little arrows and the whole page would move up and down when I move the mouse, and I couldn't paste the text!! It was so annoying and I was cursing away at Firefox. The poor thing didn't deserve all that. Hehe. It was actually my own ignorance. Autoscrolling was enabled by default in the new version. Du-uh... yes I know! As I've never used autoscrolling before, I didn't know what was going on until today. So, I disabled it and can now cut and paste in peace with another new bit of information tucked safely away.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Nimbus Roman No 9 L

OpenOffice Writer: The characters of this font will be displayed overlapping each other when the text is in bold. Weird. The printed text is normal though. Anyway, I installed 'urw-fonts' and the problem was rectified.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Great song!

I first heard this song while listening to the podcast 'Filme und So'. The song is called 'Tom Cruise scares me' by David Ippolito. I'm not sure if I will be offending anyone / breaking some rules / doing something wrong by posting the direct link here, (These things are soooo sensitive nowadays - sheesh!) so I'll just post the link to the main website. It's a great song and I love it!

EDIT: Just as well, that I didn't post the direct link. I read through the 'Legal, Terms of Service and Usage' part of the website, and apparently they don't allow direct link to 'images, sounds or executable applications'.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Users and Groups

I hate searching for this every time I have to add a user to a group. I keep forgetting the commands!

1. To view the list of groups and their users: $ cat /etc/group

2. Create new user: $ useradd

3. Create new group: $ groupadd.

4. To list all groups to which the user is a member: $ groups <user id> ## This is the one I keep forgetting!!!!

5. Add user to group z.B. cdrom: $ usermod -G <comma separated group list> <user id>
### Be sure to list all groups as this is an absolute list and not an addition. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Use the 'groups' command and then enter all the groups in addition to the new one under usermod.

EDIT: No need to list all the groups. I just found out that you can append the user to a supplementary group by using the -a option. Meaning:

usermod -a -G wireshark user

This will add 'wireshark' to the user's groups in addition to the other groups that the user already belongs to.


gpasswd -a username group

This is a usefule website.


My network connection = Modem --> Router --> Computers

At first, I set my Gentoo system to automatically use DHCP and obtain the IP address. However this resulted in a very slow startup for the computer if the router is switched off. Hence I edited the file /etc/conf.d/net and added this:

config_eth0=( "my-ip-address-allocated-by-router netmask" )
routes_eth0=( "default gw router's-ip-address" )

Friday, July 14, 2006


The commands to start scim:

$ export XMODIFIER="@im=SCIM"
$ export GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"
$ scim -d

I used to put these 3 commands in bash_profile but that did something to my keyboard, whose layout is set to us international, and I couldn't type umlauts and eszett, or something like that. I can't really remember. Maybe I'll try again. Anyway, because of whatever that went wrong, I just type these commands in a terminal everytime I need to use scim, which is not very often. But it is still troublesome to enter all those words. I wonder if it will work if I create an alias for them. Will try later

EDIT: The alias works: alias chinese='export XMODIFIER=@im=SCIM && export GTK_IM_MODULE=scim && scim -d'

Hmmm... the Trebuchet '&' (&) looks ugly.

To use scim with eg. openoffice:
$ LC_ALL=zh_CN.utf8 oowriter2

bashrc vs bash_profile

I was looking for a place to put my aliases and some suggested ~/.bashrc, others suggested ~/.bash_profile. By the way, my aliases are in ~/.bashrc and they are as follows:

# My Personal Alias
alias ipin='mount /mnt/ipod'
alias ipout='umount /mnt/ipod'
alias ipej='eject /mnt/ipod'

Anyway, 'man bash' turned up a mouthful of words which have been nicely summarised by someone from

In other words, /etc/profile is run when a user logs in. ~/.bashrc is run for other shells (Ie opening an xterm)

/etc/profile contains environment variables and startup programs. Environ. var. are persistent - only need to read once. Startup programs are launched once - no need to start them again.

/etc/bashrc is included by ~/.bashrc, and read every time a shell starts up, people use it to include shell aliases and functions. Aliases and functions do not behave like environment variables; they are not passed to other processes.

There - that's why I put my aliases into bashrc ... I think ...

Thursday, July 13, 2006


When I was using SuSE, I used this command to rip CDs

$ cdda2wav -D 0,0,0 andwhateverotheroptioniwant

In order to find out the numerical figures after -D, I ran "cdda2wav -scanbus"

However, on a Gentoo machine, "cdda2wav -scanbus" gives this output:

cdda2wav: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg*'. Cannot open SCSI driver.
cdda2wav: For possible targets try 'cdda2wav -scanbus'.
Use the script scan_scsi.linux to find out more.
Probably you did not define your SCSI device.
Set the CDDA_DEVICE environment variable or use the -D option.
You can also define the default device in the Makefile.
For possible transport specifiers try 'cdda2wav dev=help'.

What in the world does that mean? Anyway, now I use the command "cdda2wav -D /dev/hdb andtherestoftheoptions"

Problems I still have with cdda2wav:
1. I don't know why the -scanbus doesn't work on Gentoo. Not a serious problem, since I can replace the device with /dev/hdb. But why??? And that question is bugging the hell out of me! But I'm too lazy to look it up now.

2. I can't run cdda2wav as a normal user. I get this error:

cdda2wav: Operation not permitted. cannot set posix realtime scheduling policy

0%cdda2wav: Operation not permitted. Cannot send SCSI cmd via ioctl

And it just hangs there
until I press CTRL-C. I read this in the

cdrecord and cdda2wav require their controlling user to have access privileges to the scsi bus which are not granted to normal users by default within any sane setup.

3. I still haven't figured out how to rip multiple but not consecutive tracks from a CD.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Die WM

Haha. Es ist unglaublich. Bei jeder WM hat England immer ein Idiot, der etwas Dummes tun muss. Und wie gewöhnlich können ihre Spieler gar keinen Elfmeter verwandeln. Es ist wirklich lächerlich.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Change mouse theme

Edit: /usr/share/cursors/xorg-x11/default/index.theme


1. emerge x11-themes/silver-xcursors

2. vim ~/.Xdefaults and place this entry:

Xcursor.theme: Silver

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Flashblock and Firefox

Flashblock is a nifty little extension that prevents flash objects from being displayed.

Gentoo finally has an update on firefox. Now I can finally upgrade to Firefox 1.5 and use the Extreme Noia theme.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Problems with mplayer

1. Whenever I play a movie, I get this error:

vo: X11 running at 1280x1024 with depth 24 and 32 bpp (":0.0" => local display)
It seems there is no Xvideo support for your video card available.
Run 'xvinfo' to verify its Xv support and read DOCS/en/video.html#xv!
See 'mplayer -vo help' for other (non-xv) video out drivers. Try -vo x11
Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.

2. xvinfo shows:

X-Video Extension version 2.2
screen #0
no adaptors present

3. Dri, 3D acceleration, drm and all are running fine.

If I change the video output to 'x11' instead of 'xv', video can be played. But the video is lagging under fullscreen. To fixed that, run 'gmplayer -vo x11 -zoom'. However, I read somewhere that if you have to use "-vo x11", it means that the hardware acceleration is not working. Quote from the gentoo forum: ## xv uses hardware accelerated video overlays. x11 is the slowest possible way to do video. ##

4. *** To get xv working I have to insert this line in xorg.conf: *** (IMPORTANT - this is the actual solution to my problem)

Option "VideoOverlay" "on"
## Also, if you have this in xorg.conf, the option should be set to "off"
Option "PseudoColorVisuals" "off"

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Ach, ich bin ein Idiot! I've been trying for ages to get XMMS to play audio CDs, and everytime the program just refused to do anything. Today I just realised that I don't have the cdaudio plugin for xmms. Duh!!!! Emerge xmms-cdaudio and I'm listening to CDs!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Scripts in /etc/init.d/

A useful command to see which scripts are no longer used and can be safely deleted from /etc/init.d and /etc/conf.d

I got this command from the Gentoo Linux Wiki - Rc-update:

for each in /etc/{conf,init}.d/* ; do \

echo -n "$each " ; \
equery belongs -e "$each" | fgrep / || \
echo '!!! ORPHAN !!!' ; \

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Black Screen after logout from Fluxbox

I use kdm and frequently (though not every time, almost) when I exit fluxbox into kdm, I get a black screen and the whole system hangs and pressing all sort of buttons (Ctrl-Alt Backspace / F1 / whatever) produces nothing. Apparently the workaround is to add to this file "/usr/kde//share/config/kdm/kdmrc)" this line:

Or for gdm, this line:


Got this from this website:

Unicode and Locale

Running "locale" shows that my system is using something called POSIX. Changing my system locale to Unicode:
1. Compile NLS UTF8 into the kernel.
2. Check that the locale I want (en_US.UTF-8) is availaibe in "/etc/".
3. Enter this line

into this file: /etc/env.d/02locale

- Note that running "locale -a" will show "en_US.utf8" (Note lowercase and absence of hyphen. And I quote the sentences from the Gentoo Forums:

locale -a lists the encoding part of the locale in lower case without any hyphens but these instructions always use UTF-8. The reason is that while glibc understands both forms of the name many other programs don't. The most common example of which is X. So it is best to always use UTF-8 in preference to utf8.

4. Make sure that in /etc/rc.conf the line UNICODE="yes" is uncommented.
5. Run "env-update && source /etc/profile"
6. Sometimes certain error messages may appear when running certain programmes:
Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib (GTK/Gnome app)
b. Qt: Locales not supported on X server
(Qt/KDE app)
- Make sure the current system locale is listed in "

The Gentoo Forum mentioned this: (But I still don't understand it, therefore have not done anything about it yet)

Where to set the environment variables is the next problem. Ideally every user on the whole system should use the same encoding i.e. UTF-8. However using a locale other than the "C" or "POSIX" locale for root is asking for trouble on Gentoo. The reason is that it can break emerges as the semantics of scripts etc can change.

The Gentoo way to set environment variables is to set it in /etc/env.d. The Desktop Configuration Guide suggests setting the locale there. But this doesn't support setting a different locale for root. Some suggest suggest changing the locale in /etc/profile. It is possible to set the locale differently in /etc/profile for root and other users as is done with the PATH environment variable. Otherwise you can set them in $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.xinitrc if you only want the locale set under X.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Ipod works under gentoo

Ipod works! Gtkpod and castpodder both work. Remember to "emerge eject" so that the command can be used to eject /mnt/ipod after unmounting.

Did a "chmod 4755 /usr/bin/eject" because normal user cannot eject.

Programmes on Gentoo

Programmes that I've installed on Gentoo so far: (after I've got xorg working)
1. kdm
2. Fluxbox (a must!!)
3. Firefox
4. xmms - for some reason Audio CD cannot be played
5. mplayer - must emerge with use flags: dvd dvdread dts
6. gtkpod
7. Compiling castpodder at the moment - hopefully it'll be ok

Installed some nice fonts and mouse themes


Finally got Gentoo working!! Yippee!

1. Got everything working and kernel booted nicely after half a day staring at Kernel Panic.
- Need SCSI emulation to get usb drive working
- Need to build in the network card in the kernel. Yes, I know ... Du-uhhh! I missed it during the first few times compiling the kernel.
2. Installed xorg
3. 3D-Acceleration, dri, drm glxgears whatever did NOT work with the radeon module although they did say that it should work with ATI RADEON 9200.
- Took many MANY times of configuring and compiling the kernel before it finally got into my thick skull that the open source driver just did not work.
- Finally installed the ati-driver. Voila... worked beautifully. Yes, I never learn...
- Remember to add :
Section "dri"
Mode 066

so that normal users can use 3D acceleration also.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Ipod and MP2

Have been wondering for some time why an mp3 file that I have wouldn't play on my Ipod. A quick check with xmms shows that the file is actually MPEG1, Layer 2 aka mp2 file. So encode it back to MPEG1, Layer 3 by using this command:

lame --mp2input --alt-preset extreme filename.mp3 anothername.mp3
- Not too sure about the mp2input command. Couldn't find a tutorial on converting mp2 to mp3 using lame. Saw the --mp2input option by running lame --longhelp. I guess it worked as the file is now playing properly on Ipod.

Encoding MP3s

Software used: lame


lame -h -b 128 --tt "Song Title" --ta"Artist" --ty "Year" --tc "Ripp and encoded by Me" --tg "Genre"audio.wav audio.mp3

## Encoding mp3 at constant bitrate of 128 kbits. To encode mp3 at VBR, use this command:
lame --alt-preset extreme audio.wav audio.mp3

## there are other --al-preset options. See 'lame --help'. Still not really sure if I should encode using VBR or CBR. Haven't read enough. Read one person's view who likes VBR and the next who said that VBR sucks.... go figure. I can't hear the difference. As long as my dear Ipod can play the song.

Ripping CD

##To rip entire CD into wav files:
cdda2wav -D /dev/hdc -B
## The device /dev/???  can be determined by running this command: wodim --devices

## To rip individual tracks, eg: track 1
cdda2wav -D /dev/hdc -t 1

## To rip a range of tracks, eg: track 1 -7
cdda2wav -D /dev/hdc -t 1+7

Haven't figure out how to rip a range of tracks, for example track 1, 3, 7, 9 ...

Saturday, February 11, 2006

AntiVirus for Linux

Paranoia today. So downloaded an antivirus for Linux. There are a few around such as BitDefender and Panda. I downloaded bitdefender. Command line is 'bdc'

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Desktop makeover

Finally did a new makeover for my desktop. Changed the wallpaper and skins for xmms and gkrellm. Installed adesklets!!! Ich bin so ein Dummkopf! To run the desklets:

./ NOT python!!!!! To think that I've been making this mistake for the past one year and never realised what was wrong.

Background of kdm login manager

To change the background picture:

Edit: /etc/opt/kde3/share/config/kdm/backgroundrc

Other configuration: /etc/opt/kde3/share/config/kdm/kdmrc

Edit: Damn... I just realised that I've noted this down before., but didn't put the heading there. So edited the previous post and put a nice big heading 'KDM background'.


To adjust the clock:

1. Make sure xntp is installed
2. Add the address of the server in /etc/ntp.conf
- Addresses of servers from this website:
3. As root: $rcxntpd start

Taking Screenshot

I keep forgetting this... the name is ksnapshot!! I kept typing kscreenshot and was cursing away when it refused to work.