Sunday, August 20, 2006

Kernel compile and kernel sources

I didn't know that everytime the package gentoo-sources is updated, the symlink of /usr/src/linux still points to the first original sources, from which the kernel was compiled. Therefore, although I compile a new kernel everytime there is an updated version of the source, it is actually not compiled using the updated version but rather the old version. I found this out while trying to compile the new ATI-drivers and found that there were errors because they were using the old kernel source. Am I making any sense? Ah well, as long as I know what I'm saying... Anyway, I got this from the Gentoo Linux Documentation regarding kernel upgrade:

Three ways in order to make the /usr/src/linux symbolic link point to the sources of the kernel you are running.

1. Portage can update the symlink automatically when you emerge new kernel sources. All you have to do is add the symlink flag to the USE variable in /etc/make.conf

(Add the symlink keyword)
USE="symlink x86 3dnow 3dnowex X aac aalib adns alsa apache2"

2. Use app-admin/eselect to modify the symlink.

Install eselect if you don't have it)
#emerge eselect
(See the list of available kernels)
#eselect kernel list
Available kernel symlink targets:
[1] linux-2.6.9-gentoo-r1
[2] linux-2.6.9-gentoo-r2
(Select the correct kernel)
#eselect kernel set 1

3. Manually update the symlink
# cd /usr/src
# ln -sfn linux-latest-version linux

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