Thursday, July 21, 2005

Holiday! Fluxbox: 1. Startup script

Finally ... a much-needed one-week break. I think I'm going to crack soon. Sigh, whatever possessed me to study this course.... anyway, on with Fluxbox. The time it takes for Fluxbox to load as compare to KDE is SOOOO much faster!!

1. Startup script. In order to run commands during startup, I entered eg the fbsetbg -f command in ~/.fluxbox/init under "session.screen0.rootCommand: fbsetbg -f ...". However, as I have some other things that I want to be loaded during startup as well, I created a startup script named "" and enter this instead in the init file: "session.screen0.rootCommand: ~/.fluxbox/".

In the file, I entered these lines

fbsetbg -f /home/username/Personal/Bild/what-is1024.jpg
setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout us_intl -variant basic # US international keyboard layout
setxkbmap -option compose:menu # Compose key so that I can type ß
xmodmap /home/username/.Xmodmap # File that contains mapping of multimedia keys
gkrellm -w # a really cool system monitor (the -w is so that it will appear in the slit)

REMEMBER to make executable. I didn't and spent some time again racking my brain thinking "Was zum Teufel ist los?!"

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