Thursday, July 21, 2005

Root-tail, Xterm & Fluxbox Menu

1. Finally found out how those log messages appear on the desktop in all those screenshots. Installed 'root-tail'. Opened terminal. su and then entered this command 'root-tail -color violet -fn lucidasanstypewriter-14 /var/log/messages' and voila! A nice list of log messages on the desktop. I've always wanted to know how to do that!

## To find out what fonts are installed in the com, run 'xlsfonts'.

2. Xterm - doesn't support transparency, unfortunately. Aterm does but there are no rpms for SuSE. So that's put on hold. I just want to get everything in order first before I start compiling (aka screwing-up-my-com-cos-I-don't-know-exactly-what-I'm-doing) any other applications. But the transparent aterm looks sooooo nice. Anyway, I changed the command line for xterm in the ~/.fluxbox/menu to 'xterm -fn lucidasanstypewriter-14 -fg white -bg black' because if I just run 'xterm', it appears with a very ugly font-type and an equally ugly dirty beige (if there's such a colour) background and I have no idea how to change it other than typing this command.

3. Had a lovely time editing the Fluxbox menu in order to insert all my applications in there like xmms, mplayer, gimp, yast, sax and blah blah blah. Chose a system style called Cthulhain - I like it very much!

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